Espositori 2023

  • Arcoplan / Studio Associato di architettura e ingegneria
    Arcoplan è uno studio che si occupa di progettazione architettonica, paesaggistica ed urbana. Nato nel 2009 dalla collaborazione tra Anna Artuso, architetto, e Elena Cossu, ingegnere civile, lo studio Arcoplan ha maturato una specifica competenza nell’ambito della progettazione architettonica e paesaggistica rivolta alle grandi opere per l’ingegneria ambientale con l’obiettivo di sviluppare il filone della Waste Architecture, l’Architettura per i rifiuti.
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  • Babcock & Wilcox
    The Babcock & Wilcox company was born in 1867 when Stephen Wilcox and George Babcock designed the first inherently safe water-tube boiler. Since then, the company has grown across industries and continents and is now one of the world’s leading supplier of environmental and energy conversion technology.
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  • BPC Instruments
    BPC Instruments is a global Swedish-based technology company developing and offering analytical instruments enabling more efficient, reliable, and higher quality of research and analysis for industries in renewable bioenergy and environmental biotechnology. The result is not only higher accuracy and precision, but also significant reduction in time consumption and labour requirement for performing analysis. BPC Instruments’ innovative products offer high quality hardware and software based on deep knowledge and experience of target applications.
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  • CISA Publisher
    CISA Publisher is an imprint of Eurowaste Srl, a small specialised Company developed to manage communication and education tools (conferences, seminars, training courses) in connection with research activities performed in the field of environmental engineering by the University of Padova.
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  • HiiCCE
    The Hamburg Institute for Innovation, Climate Protection and Circular Economy (HiiCCE) is a subsidiary company of the city of Hamburg Cleansing Department (SRH) and an affiliated research institute of Hamburg University of Technology. As such, HiiCCE acts as a think tank for the circular economy. The institute comprises the competences of the city of SRH, the Circular Resource Engineering and Management Institute (CREM) of the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), and the former JOMA Environmental Consultancy.
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  • IWWG
    The International Waste Working Group, founded in 2002 and registered as a no-profit organisation, serves as a forum for the scientific and professional community. The IWWG aims to provide an intellectual platform to encourage and support integrated and sustainable waste management and to promote practical scientific development in the field.
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  • Oxoco Srl
    Oxoco è una startup innovativa italiana, licenziataria della tecnologia Flameless Pressurized Oxy-combustion (FPO), sviluppata da Itea Spa e concessa in licenza in esclusiva mondiale a Oxoco per l’applicazione a rifiuti urbani e speciali. La tecnologia FPO, inclusa nel documento di riferimento BAT per l'incenerimento dei rifiuti, rappresenta un punto di svolta verso gli obiettivi di sostenibilità dei processi di gestione dei rifiuti stessi.
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