THURSDAY 29 JUNE 2023 / 10:00 - 12:30 (GMT+2)
Julia Gebert, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of CITG, Department of Geoscience & Engineering (NL)
Marion Huber-Humer, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Institute of Waste Management (AT)
Hosted by the IWWG-TG CLEAR (Consortium for Landfill Emission Abatement Research)
This webinar will address key issues of the design, construction and implementation of microbial methane oxidation systems (MOS) such as biocovers, biowindows and biofilters for the mitigation of methane emissions from landfills, which currently represent the largest global source of greenhouse gas emissions from the solid waste sector. Such systems are considered a promising technology as a complementary measure to gas extraction with subsequent flaring or energy conversion, or for emissions reduction from old landfills or from landfills containing wastes with a low gas potential. The design of optimized MOS requires profound understanding of the fundamental processes, both the biological ones and of those related to the transport of gas and water in porous media, and of the impact of material properties and environmental factors on these processes. Thus, one key aspect is the selection of suitable materials for the implementation of effective methane oxidations systems.
This webinar is specially tailored for people who wish to learn more about the process of microbial methane oxidation on landfills, and to receive current information on the design, material selection criteria and construction of engineered MOS, as well as the impacting environmental factors on their performance. The presentations will be combined with some small online-exercises (considerations and calculations using the methane oxidation tool).
Julia Gebert is Associate Professor in the field of Soil Science at TU Delft, Department Geoscience & Engineering. Her research focuses on biological carbon cycling in natural environments such as river sediments and its impact of sediment abiotic properties, such as sediment rheology. Relating to sediments, she further investigates beneficial use options for dredged materials. Another focus lies on the controls on and impacts of carbon cycling in landfills, both within the waste body (organic matter degradation and contaminant release) and in cover soils and methane oxidation systems. In this context, she currently leads the in situ landfill stabilisation project CURE (Coupled multi-process research for reducing landfill emissions). Since a few years, Julia succeeded Marion Huber-Humer as chair of the IWWG task group CLEAR (Consortium for Landfill Emission Abatement Research).
Marion Huber-Humer is full Professor for “Global Waste Management” and head of the Institute of Waste Management at the BOKU-University (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna) in Vienna. She is Board Member of the International Waste Working Group (IWWG) and was one of the founders of the IWWG task group CLEAR (Consortium for Landfill Emission Abatement Research) in 2002, and lead this task group for more than 15 years. Moreover, she is board member of the ÖVA (Austrian Association for Management of Contaminated Sites), of the ÖWAV (Austrian Water and Waste Management Association), and vice president of ISWA-Austria. Her current research focuses on the investigation of sustainable global waste management concepts and circular economy approaches, biological waste processing, waste characterization, sustainable landfill technologies, landfill emission mitigation concepts and monitoring, with a particular research issue on biological methane oxidation in biocover systems.